About Us

About Us

Welcome to about us page of Urdu Pakistan. Urdu Pakistan is a free website. The aim of this website is to facilitate Urdu lovers and learners along with other language services like translation, transcription, localization and voiceover. Also, we post regular learning material absolutely free along with Roman Urdu to ease the learning of beginners. Find here

We also provide free Urdu language learning material that include very basic vocabulary for Urdu beginners. We post this learning material regularly. All these posts of vocabulary have content in Urdu, English and Roman Urdu. We use roman Urdu to facilitate Urdu learners to learn fast. In this way, they can efficiently pronounce Urdu words without any extra efforts. Check Urdu learning material in our Blog.

UrduP provides major language services that include translation in English, Arabic, (Farsi) Persian and Urdu. We provide backward translations in all these languages and Urdu to Urdu transcription. We also provide editing and proofreading. For further details please visit our services section Services.

Free Guest Posting in Urdu and English

In our Guest post section, Urdu Pakistan welcomes and encourages new and experienced writers to publish their worthy writings absolutely free. These writing can be from any fields of life except prohibited content according to our Privacy Policy and Google content Policies. We welcome all kinds of posts that contain learning material regarding Urdu. It may include history of Urdu, learning content, introduction to Urdu literature, Urdu grammar etc. Simply type you post and upload in MS word format. Please do not forget to include SEO essentials in order to rank your post high in google search.


Contact Us

Contact us to get 100% authentic, human, error-free, non-machine translation for English<>Urdu<>Arabic<>Persian, please fill out our contact form. Feel free to upload a demo translation of up to 100 words totally free.

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